Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services
Good Coordination Begins with
Good Coordinates
With the advent of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, highly precise and accurate positioning is now available to a broad range of users for many geospatial applications. Surveyors and engineers have understood the need for accurate positions and elevations in their own professions, but now have tools that allow them to determine positions more accurately and easily than ever before. New users have discovered the tools and capability, and want to take advantage of them without having the background or training to understand how to use them. All users that are determining accurate positions and elevations, or are trying to fit positions to historic reference frames and charts, can find the task challenging.
Whether you are performing surveys, working with historic reference frames or Geographic Information Systems, or doing mapping and charting, Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services is a disabled veteran-owned small business available to answer your questions or provide training. Dave Doyle has been involved in geodetic surveying for over 55 years and is highly respected in the field. Contact him today for your training or consultation needs.

What's New:
The Spring 2024 NSPS Annual meeting included a student competition, where student teams recovered marks around DC and surveyed on The Mall using now-classic survey methods. Dave was on hand to assist the students, and Joe Paiva to film the event. Taking a break, Dave takes Joe on a video tour of historic survey monuments on the mall. Join them here!
Geography Without Geodesy is a Felony
Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services provides a range of services including training, datum transformations, research, and consultation on issues related to theoretical and practical geodesy.
Dave Doyle has published more than 30 articles in professional publications. These publications are available online.