Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services
Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services provides training through a variety of presentations. These can be given as live seminars (1-8 hours, 4-hours recommended) or webinars (1-2 hours). Below are descriptions of topics commonly requested, but Dave will work with you to craft a presentation suitable for your needs. Click here for reviews of past workshops, and to see where he has given his most recent workshops. For recorded examples of seminars, click here.
Practical Geodesy for Practical Surveyors: This presentation details the historical and contemporary developments of the horizontal and vertical geodetic datums of the U.S., the development of reference ellipsoids, geoid models and contemporary global coordinate systems, highlighting the impacti of changes in technologies, with a focus on the rationale for efforts of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) to modernize the reference systems. To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.

Rationale For and Expectations Of the Planned Geodetic Datum Changes: Enhancements and additions to the network of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are significantly improving the use and positional integrity of space-based positioning systems. This presentation discusses the rationale for and magnitude of the expected positional changes and their impact on spatial data management systems. To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
GNSS-Derived Heights: This program discusses the various types of heights, methods for using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations to derive orthometric heights related U.S. vertical datums, and the use of tools available from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
The U.S. State Plane Coordinate System: This program discusses the foundational elements of the State Plane Coordinate System (SPC) and enhancements to NAD 83 from original release to present as they relate to changes in both the SPC and Universal Transverse Mercator Grid systems. The program highlights the relationship of geodetic and grid coordinate systems, and problems inherent in ground-based coordinate systems which are commonly referenced as "grid-to-ground." To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
For Information on State Plane Coordinate legislation, click here.
How You Can Invest in Improving the Status of Passive Control in the National Spatial Reference System: This presentation demonstrates how easy it is for users to provide the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) with improved information on the condition of passive control monuments, and how the OPUS Share Solution utility allows users to provide NGS information to update future geoid models and share their own geodetic control data from a national database. To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
History of Geodetic Datums of the United States: This presentation details the historical and contemporary developments of the horizontal and vertical datums of the United States, highlighting changes in measurement and positioning technologies and their impact on development of reference ellipsoids, geoid models, and high accuracy reference frame enhancements. To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
Datum Transformations: This seminar covers the relationship of and transformations between the several horizontal/geometric and vertical geodetic datums most commonly used in the U.S. and includes a demonstration of the transformation tools provided by NGS. The program closes with a review of the status of the changes to NAD 83 and NAVD 88 planned for 2022. To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
Interpreting NGS/CO-OPS Control Datasheets: This presentation describes data elements found on standard NGS passive and active control datasheets as well as tidal bench mark sheets published by the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services. Data defining horizontal and vertical survey control, positional accuracy, model geodetic elements, and description information will be discussed. To download a 1-page abstract of this workshop, click here.
Still not sure if a Seminar is right for you? Click here
Research and Computations
Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services will research and prepare pre-North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) and pre-National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) datum transformations to support nautical charts and other mapping and surveying data. Dave will provide technical advice relating to the definition, use of, and problems with current and historical geodetic datums of the U.S. and other elements of the NSRS.
Dave will complete reviews of professional papers and technical reports dealing with geodetic surveying and datums. Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services will answer your questions about reference frames and datums as they pertain to your products, so that you can provide your clients with accurate and reliable information.